What is true Satanism?  Well, like most things that are true, the world has a version that is sufficient to “answer the question,” but not sufficient to truly grasp the heart of the matter.  After all, they do the same thing with Christianity – the religion of truth.  If you were to ask the world, “What is true Christianity?” they might give an answer that it is, “Believing in Jesus as your personal Savior.”  That is certainly true, but it merely scratches the surface.  True Christianity is a death and rebirth, a death to the image of man in the flesh, and a birth to the spiritual man, made in the image of Yahweh.  The Son is the means by which this transformation is accomplished, but it is so much more than merely accepting an opinion or doctrine.

Similarly, if one were to ask the world, “What is true Satanism?” they might say, “It is the worship of the devil,” or some such variation of those words, indicating a respect and desire to copy the fallen angels (by whatsoever names they call themselves).  But again, this falls very far short of the truth, to the degree that the meaning, and the means of identifying it, is fatally absent.

Christianity is not merely the religion about Yahshua the Christ.  It is the religion OF Yahshua.  It is the sharing of the beliefs that He believed, and holding the knowledge that He knew.  It is being of “one mind” with Christ, that we may all be where He is in the judgment and beyond.

Similarly, Satanism is not merely the religion about Satan.  It is the religion OF Satan.  It is the sharing of the beliefs that He believed, and accepting the thoughts and feelings that motivate him.  It is being of “one mind” with the enemy of souls, with the result being that those who accept him also share his fate in the judgment.

You should see, therefore, that the two are very much alike, but opposite of one another.  But what is it that Satan believes?  What is it that he thinks, and that he accepts as true?  Now there are some of us, even here, that need to hear this, because again, if you only accept the world’s definition of this evil religion, you will be lethally unprepared to recognize it.  If you think this is an exaggeration, let me share with you the words that Seventh-day Adventists consider to be words inspired by Heaven:

“Satan will set up his hellish banner right in your homes, and you will be so blinded to the real nature of his deceptions that you reverence it as the banner of Christ.” [Ellen G. White, The 1888 Materials, p. 505] This is a statement that has far-reaching implications, ranging from Church policies and leadership (we might here consider those “Christians” who are in favor of imprisoning those who believe differently from themselves) to individual practices and decisions.

It is, indeed, quite an impressive statement, and one that I am sure Adventists have not always known what to do with.  There is a tendency among Adventists, as I am sure among those of every incomplete religion, to merely ignore and avoid that which they cannot understand or accept, even if they label it as being “true.”

For example, Ellen White made many, many statements about the true nature of “conversion.”  It is a “perfect hatred” of sin, to the degree that the one who has been born again “is really ceasing to sin.”  One must not even be baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist, according to writings that most accept as “true,” until he or she has been “critically examined” to see that known sin is no longer a part of their lives.  But I did not know this as a mainstream Seventh-day Adventist.  I did not know this as a lapsed Seventh-day Adventist or one that returned to the Church in humility after having fallen away.  It was not until I became a Creation Seventh Day Adventist… that I learned what Adventism truly is.

It was not until I found this little “offshoot” that I learned what had been accepted – but never taught! – by the worldwide Adventist Church. And why?  Why is it not taught every week in the sermons?  Why is it not held up as the standard of Christ in every crusade, every evangelism outreach?

It is because the leaders and teachers cannot honestly apply the statement to themselves… therefore how can they ever speak of it to others?  The worldly mind will ignore and avoid that which it cannot accept on a heart-level, and we who are gathered here today know this to be true from our own pasts, and from those whom we encounter on a regular basis that oppose the truth.

It is much the same with Mrs. White’s statement about this sinful banner.  Satan may set up his own banner in our houses, and we would think it is the very religion of Christ.  And we should know, from our study of the Mansions, that our “homes,” as the Scriptures describe them, also include our hearts, our minds and internal “selves.”

One may think he is a Christian, and yet be a Satanist. He may not be bowing to physical images, reading a Satanic bible, or drawing pentagrams, but if he thinks like Satan, and has a character like the fallen one, then he is a Satanist, despite what he outwardly claims.

What is the true Satanism? What did Lucifer believe?  The Scriptures tell us – true Satanism is not a hidden religion, but has been revealed to the Children of Light, that they may take note and be aware.  “For thou [Lucifer] hast said in thine heart, ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.’” (Isa 14:13, 14)

We have seen this passage before, and we have identified “pride” as the great sin of Lucifer, which led to His fall.  But there is a specific kind of pride being manifested in these two verses from Isaiah.  It is not mere pride, saying, “I am great, I am glorious, I am wonderful.”  That is pride in one’s abilities and characteristics, and Satan certainly had that… but if you look at his words, he said, “I will, I will, I will…” five times.  Satan expresses ambition here, a desire to accomplish something based purely on his own desires, based upon his own perceived strengths.

What will happen to the universe if he should do this?  What will become of those who remain faithful to the Throne after he grasps it for himself?  There are no thoughts of others in Satan’s mind, for his beliefs are centered entirely upon the “self.”

Remember true Christianity’s definition…  it is a death to “self.”  True Christianity loses the “self” in the love and light of Christ.  True Satanism is the religion of exalting self, and putting it above the desires and needs of others.  True selfishness, then, as we have identified before, is very simply understood as “self-ism.”  It is, as it is more commonly termed, “selfishness.” That is the true motivation of Satan, and those who think like him are destined to become like him in character and destiny.

It is possible to claim to be a Christian, and yet be a Satanist.  It is possible to accept – on the surface, on paper, in one’s mind – the doctrines of Christianity, and yet maintain a seed of selfishness.  And why is this possible?  Should not the Spirit of Yah cleanse away this core of self?  Yah allows it to exist, and it does exist, because of what I have said… the carnal mind tends to ignore or avoid what it cannot accept.  And our Father will not use force to compel the thoughts of human beings – this is worse, and even more manipulative, than merely controlling their actions.

And this, that the carnal mind avoids what it does not wish to accept, this is true, not only outwardly, but in terms of the thoughts and convictions that the Spirit seeks to inspire in those who claim to be Christ’s.  But let this not be true for anyone here!  Let none of us be, in the words of the Apostle Peter, “willingly ignorant.” (2Pet 3:5)

We say often, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith,” (Cor 13:5) and (last week) that we ought to be the people of prayer and meditation – those who speak to Yah, and allow Him to speak to us.  But how shall we examine ourselves, and what is it that Yah would say to us?  We must study our motives carefully, this is called being “self aware,” to see if there is anything in our words, and actions, and decisions, that places “self” before the needs of others, or the good of their souls.

Since the purpose of the Church of Yahshua is to serve mankind for its everlasting good, a portion of this may be measured by our commitment to the work of the Bride.  Remember the concept that we discussed a few weeks ago, regarding how to avoid taking the Mark of the Beast (i.e., how to avoid thinking like the beast and Satan).  Notice how this is all very connected.  We must follow the three angels’ message as described in Revelation 14… and it begins with accepting the doctrines and beliefs of Christ, including what He says about mercy and judgment.  It proceeds into learning the difference between Jerusalem and Babylon, learning to separate truth from deception.  And finally, it culminates in the covenant of “marriage,” unity with the Bride, and membership among the orderly and organized community of saints.  All that Yah does is perfect and in order, and His very character is a rebuke to those who deny or undervalue the importance of official membership in the Church of Christ.

How we relate ourselves to the Church is one way that we can examine ourselves for a seed of selfishness, for the presence of Satan’s subtle but “hellish banner.”  Where do our needs compare to the work of evangelism, of serving others?  One may say, “But I give my tithes and offerings,” and if so, that is good… but Yah demands all and everything of us.  Ten percent of our income may be claimed as a duty, based on the Scriptural principles, but if a bride told her husband, “You can have ten percent of my time, my affection, my love, and my attention,” what would that husband conclude?

We can be certain that the husband would not feel that the bride loved him very much.  And in the gap that is left, between what such a person is doing, and what such a person ought to be doing, that is where Satan can establish his throne, and set up his banner.

Examine yourselves, the Scriptures say, to see whether you are in the faith.  Examine yourselves, the Spirit of Yah tells us, to see that “self” is truly dead, and that our priorities place our fellow men before ourselves.  I have used the Church as a striking example of this, for that is the means through which Yah best and eternally serves our fellow men.  And it is true in the small things as well as the large.  If we think of “self” as the most important thing, then we speak the words of Satan: “I will, I will, I will.”

I will do what I desire.  I will have what I want.  I will find the means to get my way.  I will decide where to draw the line in my obedience to the Spirit and to my conscience.  I will resist the things that the teachers of truth are trying to show me.

I read somewhere once that, statistically, people with emotional and mental problems use the word “I” far more than those who are of a sound mind when they talk.  If we truly believe that all are created in the image of Yah, and that all are equally deserving of Yahshua’s love, then it is inconsistent with the truth to consider one’s self above others.  Of course, since we ARE ourselves, it is natural (in the flesh in particular) to think of the needs of ourselves first, and therefore the Bible gives us this balancing principle: “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” (Phil 2:3)

Do we do this?  The answer ought to be a clear and consistent, “Yes!”  But if it is not, or even if there is hesitation, then let us fall on our knees in prayer, and ask, “Where have I been ignoring the voice of the Spirit?  Where is this gap between duty and reality, in which Satan has been given a place to establish his hellish banner?”  If we are to perfect the character of Christ, then let us not hesitate to make this kind of self-examination, this self-awareness, a living part of our lives.  It is done through, as we discussed last week, prayer and meditation.

Let us seek Yahweh in prayer.  Let us give Him time, and space, and opportunity, to share His thoughts with us.  Truly, those who say, in the judgment, “Mountains, fall on me, and hide me from the face of Yah,” these are the ones who have practiced, within their lives, to hide from Him in their thoughts.

But let us be Christians indeed, not only in word, or even in outward beliefs.  Let us have the banner of Christ alone in our homes.  Let us not say, “I will” in regard to our own desires when placing them above others, but let us say, “I will,” when Yah asks, “Who will stand for me in this last, most wicked generation?”  Let us not be Satanists to any least degree, for the time has come where Yah can no longer turn a blind eye to those who, even in ignorance, give worship to the great Rebel of His courts.  Let there be no seed of “self” within us, so that we may say, as Christ did, “The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” (John 14:30)


The promises of Yahweh are our strength; therefore, let us claim the promises, of freedom, of strength, of success, of protection from all discouragement.  And as we do this, then let us, for all purposes, and forever, be Creation Seventh Day Adventists in this matter – in this truth, in practice, in beliefs, and in name.

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